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Writer's pictureAmberle Lim

The Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence In Our Society

Written by Cove Johnson Rabidoux

In recent years, we have all heard much about artificial intelligence (AI). Perhaps it is your English teacher reminding students that AI is strictly prohibited or a news broadcaster describing the latest advancements in AI. Or maybe it is your best friend talking about how they just used ChatGPT to write their last Spanish essay. Whatever it may be, we can’t deny that artificial intelligence is becoming more and more of our everyday lives, even in ways we might not expect. It has infiltrated multiple different spheres and is sparking conversations from all types of people. From the excitement of self-driving cars to the controversies surrounding AI-generated art, this technology is reshaping our world in profound ways. So as we stand at the beginning of an AI-driven future, we must start to understand both the benefits and the risks that come with AI. 

When you hear the term “AI,” your mind may automatically visualize shiny robots and futuristic landscapes straight out of science fiction. But what exactly is AI? AI, or artificial intelligence, refers to machines that simulate human intelligence. This means they are programmed to think, write, speak, and learn like humans. These AI systems can perform a variety of tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as recognizing speech, translating texts, creating artwork, and writing texts. Plus, AI systems were also designed to analyze data, recognize patterns, and make decisions without the use of humans. Now while all of this sounds great, there are some negative aspects to artificial intelligence. 

One of the most significant concerns surrounding AI is its potential to displace jobs. AI machines are incredibly intelligent and capable, meaning they can produce work faster and better than humans. As a result, there is the understandable worry that AI will take over the jobs of actual humans who need employment to sustain themselves and their families. This concern is particularly related to job industries with repetitive and tedious tasks, such as manufacturing, customer service, and data entry. This is because routine-based jobs such as these are more easily completed by AI, which performs tasks quickly and with great accuracy.

Another con to the expansion of AI in our society is that it could lead to dependency. In general, overusing AI could lead people to lose essential skills and critical thinking abilities. This is an issue that schools worldwide are already experiencing! Lots of students have resorted to using AI to complete their homework for them. Apart from the integrity/plagiarism issue this provokes, it also leads students to become dependent on AI. This means that students who continually use AI genuinely lose their motivation and ability to create work that is authentic and their own. However, this is not just impacting schools. Companies and organizations can also become too reliant on AI. This is dangerous because if individuals and organizations become too dependent on AI for decision-making, they may lose the ability to operate effectively without these systems. This would be detrimental in situations where AI fails or is unavailable.

Lastly, the use of AI raises lots of ethical problems. AI systems often rely on personal data to function effectively, which raises concerns about privacy and data security. For example, AI has been known to exploit the personal information of celebrities for profit. Some AI companies have even copied the voices of celebrities for their chat models! Plus, another security problem with AI is that it can perpetuate racism or discrimination based on the algorithms it's fed. AI systems learn from the data and people that train them, meaning if the data is biased or discriminatory, the AI replicates that bias. One prominent example of this is the criminal justice system, where AI algorithms have been used to predict recidivism rates. Studies have shown that these machines/algorithms are often biased against minorities, leading to much harsher outcomes for people of color. An article by ProPublica stated that AI machine formulas were “particularly likely to falsely flag Black defendants as future criminals, wrongly labeling them this way at almost twice the rate as white defendants.” This shows why ensuring the security of AI is something critical that must be addressed.

But AI is not all bad! AI systems are certainly helpful in many different fields, including healthcare. AI is revolutionizing healthcare by detecting diseases earlier, personalizing treatment plans, and advancing research. AI algorithms can also analyze medical images with higher precision, assisting doctors in diagnosing conditions like cancer. Plus, AI systems can analyze complex datasets and generate insights that support people working with statistics. For example, in finance, AI algorithms can predict market trends, helping investors make informed decisions. In agriculture, AI-powered systems can also optimize crop yields by analyzing soil conditions, weather patterns, and pest infestations.

Overall, rather than using AI as a replacement for human workers, we should consider it as a tool, one that enhances human capabilities. While AI poses significant challenges, including job displacement and security risks, AI also offers lots of opportunities to enhance efficiency and improve decision-making. Therefore, as AI continues to evolve, it is crucial to address its negative aspects to ensure that AI is harnessed responsibly and equitably.

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